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Joana Ferreira

In 2016, I completed a Bachelor Degree in Applied Biology at the University of Minho (Braga, Portugal). For my final year project, I studied the interaction of Hippo and Retinoic Acid pathways during embryonic lung development in Gallus gallus. During my undergraduate, I also worked in the lab of Professor Rute Moura at the Life and Health Sciences Research Institute (Braga, Portugal), where I explored further the signalling pathways involved in embryonic lung development in Gallus gallus. Subsequently, I completed a Master degree in Molecular Genetics at the University of Minho and during this time, I was awarded ERASMUS placement scholarship to perform the research component of my degree in the lab of Professor Pedro Carvalho at the University of Oxford, UK. My Master’s thesis was on the molecular mechanism of lipid droplet biogenesis. In fall 2019, I will start my DPhil with Professor Pedro Carvalho to further explore lipid droplet biogenesis.